Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mission Update!

Hello Penguins!

Sorry for the delay.For those of you who are Agents, please report to the HQ for your mission!Its hard but still fun to solve.For those of you who are not, keep working hard to make sure you are not banned so you can apply to become an agent when your penguin is old enough.

In other news: We’ve got something special planned for this weekend that is going to be a lot of fun! Make sure you don’t miss it because there will be a few free items there that will only be available this weekend!

Here is how to beat the new mission

Talk to the guy you start in front of and say the first thing that comes up in the box the whole time.He will close the door.Now you should say something that will make him open the door.He will start to panic cause he forgot the combination.Go to the office and Look for the orange couch.

Click under it and you will find a boot disk and paper clip.Now get up and go to the computer.Turn it on and wait for it to say insert boot disk.Now go to "My Files".You can check some items,find the combination,and play a bonus mini game called ice bricks.

The combination should say N ? E ? S ? W ?.This means on the north you type in the number you see then on the east you type other number.Now get out of the computer and go back down stairs and click on the penguin.He will ask if you found the combination say yes.Then click on the vault.

Type in the code you found on the computer.The vault will open.Now go inside and click on the coins hanging upside down or click the penguin.The penguin will say hooray you found and stuff and then he will say wow i can't believe i didn't see it.Just keep clicking the first thing in the box below.

Your phone will ring with an obnoxious ring tone.It will be G telling you to go to HQ.So teleport to the HQ.Now talk to G and he should show you a short video of the coins flying to the ceiling.Get out and G ill open his cabinet of keys.

Click on it and it will show 6 keys.The one on the very left will be it and if you decode the codes it should say roof key.Go to where you began and head up to the office.Now move to the left and you should see a door with a sign a the top saying to roof.Use the key to open it.

Now you will see a whole bunch of hi-tech stuff.Look for the air vent and you will see fur pick that up.Also you will see a box.Get out the spy phone and click the red dot.Get the wrench and click the box.

Put the wrench away and click the box again.Put the paper clip in it and it will explode or something.Here is a secret the sign on top of the box should now say OW.LOL.Go to HQ now a talk to G and click on the first thing in your talking box thing.Now get out the white fur and give it to him.

Now he will ask you to go to the night club and turn on the power.Also don't forget to look to your left where the map is and pick up the flashlight and put away the key.Now go to the Nightclub and turn on the flash light.You know that green puffle on the stereo well look for him and he will make a funny face.Go to the stereo the leads to the boiler room.

Here is a secret in the boiler room.Look for the bucket and click on it.a red puffle will pop out.Okay now for real business.Look for the fuse box and click on it.

You will play a game that might take 3-15min. To get instructions click on the cabinet door thing.Once the power is on go to HQ again and talk to G.He should say like 1 or 2 things and your done.DON'T FORGET THE LETTER AND MEDAL!!!

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